I have seen numerous problems caused by too much Rocksett, so if you use it--- just do it sparingly. Anyone close by? Jun 16, 2015 #11 friendlyhippo Banned. how strong is rocksett. Report to moderator Logged kgbsquirrel. It works for me and not take much heat and easier on threads than cold. The only thread locker that made any sense to me was using Rocksett on muzzle devices that don't use crush washers and are made for mounting removable silencers. That’s the innovation here. Every time. 4. however it does not come with any which leads me to the title of this thread. instructions on Rocksett. Learn what to expect. High temperature Rocksett all-purpose ceramic adhesive cement. So if someone's got an open bottle and wants to help a dude out, it's better than letting it go to waste! 3. as per instructions that came with this particular muzzle device. Edit. A shop favorite here at BRD Gun Works. 271 is the most common red Loctite, and can be purchased at most hardware stores for under $5 (Home Depot, Lowes, even Wal-Mart, and most auto parts stores). COM. Preparing your new guitar for the journey home. Lesson learned: don't apply rocksett to your rifle's threads for a suppressor or muzzle attachment and then leave it muzzle-up while it dries. The AAC Rocksett high temperature locking compound is a one-time use sized package, perfect for reinstalling a Breakout or Blackout suppressor mounts. Strike it with a hammer. Select Dealer to see price. Resists temperatures as high as 2,000 degrees. 6ml Bottle of Rocksett; Related Items. 2 models Wilson Combat . Would it be crazy to just rocksett the direct thread adapter on the barrel?Rocksett and torque to 30 ft/lb is what is recommended by almost all suppressor company's. 8mm SPR/M4 since it uses the same mount as the SCAR-H. comThe reason that brakes and FHs like the Surefires', the KAC Triple Tap and some others use the shims and Rocksett, as opposed to a crush washer like on an A2 birdcage and many others, is because they are intended to be used as attachments for the sound suppressors that those companies also make. The SIG MPX also gives users the freedom to change barrel length and stock configuration, all while in the field. Soak it for 15min, put it in a vice and have at. LANTAC Dragon SilencerCo ASR . From my experience rocksett only has the holding strength of blue locktite but a higher temp rating for vibration. It cares not about ye olde heat 'n beat. Full Member. 271 must be heated to 350F degrees, before mechanical force to break it free. Even with 271, it is not used in the correct application, although it is adequate, and does not have full strength. View Quote. 74 votesI think the rocksett is somewhere between red & blue _____ P220, P226, P228, P225, P230, P230SL, 38H, P365 : Posts: 62 | Location: New. The reply would not necessarily. Rocksett is no stronger than Blue Loctite, it just doesn't melt. I put about 300 rounds through it and when I was packing up I noticed the whole thing was about to fall off the end. Just a few drops of red. And yes my threads were cleaned properly and allowed to dry for at. 62 Muzzle Brake (3) $163. I live 2 hours away from seller and it took 3 weeks to get to me. Rocksett,4 OZ. Vibra-Tite 199 Hot-Lock is one I found with a search. 5. Milelongcock • 5 mo. Rocksett recommends that for a light application, 24 hours at room temperature will suffice, followed by 20 minutes of heat at 175 degrees for a full cure. So I. 494 reviews. Re: Rocksett Source? Post by doubloon » Wed May 14, 2014 2:41 am Did you try google? This is the first hit on a google search. Just let it soak for a while, then try and break it free and repeat the process. Any supprrssor mounts like the TB CB do not get rocksett. That makes sense Posted: 1/27/2023 3:32:16 PM EDT [#4] i rocksett all of mine. and Commercial Sales Advanced Armament Corp. 271 is the most common red Loctite, and can be purchased at most hardware. I thought the gunsmith was shitting me. Let us know what works, as I have one to remove when I get around to it. Degrease and two. Shipper takes their time shipping. to. Barely any discoloration done to the brake or barrel. 50+ bought in past month. _____ Randall Rausch AR work: Bolt actions: Foreign Semi Autos: Barrel, sight and trigger work on most pistols and shotguns. Posted: 2/4/2017 3:02:39 PM EDT. Rocksett is ideal for suppressor attachment because of its extreme heat resistance. They would likely tell me if that specific setup is viewed as permanent. jsnider22 Member. Rocksett is an extremely high heat enduring low shear strength vibration damping thread locker. 4. Usually only a few hours. Top. Grand Format Cylinder Music Box by Nicole Frères. Supposedly it is brittle and fractures easily. This^ 15 minutes for good measure. Moderator. This is the correct, and only correct way to break rocksett free. 5. I've applied this formula to a lot of different AR's from . Do not use a t. I've got a large bottle that has been fine. Hot water works faster and better than cold, not because it heats up the barrel, but because it increases the capacity of solute the liquid can. r/GunAccessoriesForSale. 1. I stand by my advice. Armory » Silencers. Model # 50112. Lower your suppressor into the water so it's above the threads and leave it to sit for 24-48 hours. If it does happen to be tight for your chicken arms then sitting it muzzle down in a cup of water overnight will take care of it. FREE delivery. and D. It is water soluble and has a 1 year shelf life in its container. As mentioned earlier, included with this review rifle was a pre-mounted EOTech VUDU 1-6×24 FFP optic in a new HK branded KDG Modular Optic. Anyone know of a source? Top. W. Moderator. Rocksett,2 OZ. 1125 N Monroe St. I have no experience with Vibratite high temp threadlocker, but some say it’s similar to Rocksett. How hard to get a Rocksett muzzle brake off? To me the easiest way is following directions per manufacturer and set in water overnight! If you. Also make sure to remove all the acetone completely maybe wait 10mins for it to evaporate. com. $128,500. Little goes a long way. That said, Rocksett is a semi-permanent adhesive. Quick View (0) Classified Defense - Pistol Grease. Yes, I also suspect Rocksett to be ‘okay’. They said soak it in water for 20 minutes to a few hours. 3. $17. Learn more about Curbside Pickup. $6. Edit 2. One more +1 to this method, all my QD mounts are installed with rocksett. It's the same reason that warm water works better than cold for washing a variety of things (hands, clothes, dishes, windshields. So is this. 102 reviews. Vibra-Tite is an interesting and versatile threadlocker. If your mounts are coming loose they are most likely contaminated with oil or fouling not allowing the cement to cure. SW Calgary, AB T2P 3C8. Loctite doesn’t lose all holding power after being heated beyond its advertised temperature rating. I hated every customer I had. Rocksett when you take a brake off lookes like a white crystal type substance. $6. Hmmm. It is 12 times as much Rocksett for the same price. If you dump 20 round in 5 seconds, the barrel will jump to near 1,000 degrees. What are the advantages of Rocksett over red Loctite? Rocksett is expensive and I have to order it. Max. Antisieze and proper torque serve me well. Rocksett withstands oil, fuels, acids, alkalis. Aug 16, 2004 2,561 0 Hightaxes,Virginia. Posted: 11/18/2006 9:28:07 PM EDT. Use Loctite 271 (Red) or Rocksett. Sep 2, 2022 #61 ; Rocksett. 450 Bushmaster Recon Tactical Barrel Built Kit $695. I have done some amazing things/repairs with a variety of there products, but if you get near my AR with that material, you will need a good proctologist. ago. I tried some on my 9 open pistol, properly cleaned and applied, baked at 175 for fifteen minutes, which they claim makes a stronger bond. That is why the parentheses are place around "zero torque. Some super-muscle men may be. Also, don't forget to clean the INSIDE of the muzzle device's threads. Take a brass hammer and hit the end of the muzzle brake. No. 25-30 ft/lb of torque need to be used. Full Member. Feb 13, 2017 1,465 1,712 Weiser , Idaho. 01 oz. Loctite vs Rocksett - AR15. Jun 17, 2015 #12 A. Then try heat. Posted: 8/29/2014 3:05:41 PM EDT [#20]Search only titles and first posts. Find the best Restaurants near you on Yelp - see all Restaurants open now and reserve an open table. Nothing broken. Beginning to hate Brownell's Rockset thread locker. Blue loctite is no where near rated for the heat of a suppressor. 19. Never any health hazards with Rocksett. Suppressor Removal Tool. I got it from eBay in the big plastic container. On a lighter gun, say less than 223 recoil, I’d just use antisieze if it was closer. Posted: 6/10/2016 11:46:19 PM EDT [#13] Of course there is some torque involved. What's Included. public notice btw, Rocksett says it goes back about a year after opening the bottle and I've seen a bottle of mine separate and harden in that period to confirm. And temperature is the issue with a firearm barrel. to keep your muzzle device tight. Wrench It Off. $168,500. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. 00. Posts: 3578. Formed in 1986, the duo became an international act in the late 1980s, when they released their breakthrough second album Look Sharp! Their third album Joyride, released in 1991, became as successful as its predecessor. I explicitly asked him to use Rocksett but apparently the little tube in the adapter had dried up and. Water & force works every time. Tried a few years ago at multiple gun stores and hardware stores and nothing. You'd be shocked at how many different thread locking compounds those Loctite guys make. RED loctite (high temp version) may work as a substitute for Rocksett. Proper torque may be all that is necessary, but this seems to work for me and I haven't have any trouble removing muzzle devices. I live 2 hour’s away and it took almost 3 weeks. . insults on interference fittings. I just stick the muzzle in a pot of boiling water for about 15 to 30 mins max; even heavy amounts of Rocksett will come right off. "1" MEZI ROXETTE TRIBUTE KAPELAMI SVĚTA! The ROCKSET - World ROXETTE Tribute Band si získali uznání pro vysokou úroveň, dynamičnost a jedinečný přístup k int. Dead Air MASK 22 HD. Jan 3, 2013 #7 D. Fin Feather Fur Outfitters established in 1985 providing outdoor gear for hunters, fishermen, campers, shooters and reloaders and everything outdoor related"Shooting in the rain and submerging the Rocksett cured muzzle device for a period of time shouldn't be considered the same situation. It is only about -109 F, but still might give you some advantage in dealing with the torque. Popular for muzzle brakes / recoil compensators and suppressors. Yeah no. T. I actually need to use some rocksett. I took my rifle to the local gunsmith to have my surefire muzzle brake/suppressor adapter installed. Might take a couple because you will slowly get more and more hydated over time. - #15014. Home Delivery - Free over $35. 0 N/mm2 or MPa (460 p si) Temperature Range -180 + 1 100 ° c Gap filling >. Email me your info and I will mail you a new bottle of Rocksett and a few stickers for the trouble! Mike Mers L. It requires around 400 F to soften. Featuring familiar AR controls, you can respond confidently and effectively, even under adverse conditions. Keeps assemblies from. One small drop burnished into the male and female threads + torque to 20 ft lbs = not going anywhere. Find My Store. This isn’t an issue with GB set screws.